Authors with abstracts accepted for presentation at EASTMAG-2016 are invited to contribute papers to special issues of Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (JMMM) or Journal of Siberian Federal University (indexed by Scopus and Russian Science Citation Index). The important submission deadline for both journals is August 20, 2016. Authors can amend their submission online up until the paper submission deadline.
The accepted papers submitted to JMMM will be published in 2017.
The accepted papers submitted to Journal of Siberian Federal University will be published in two regular issues: the first will be published in the end of 2016, the second in the beginning of 2017.
Generally, plenary and invited papers will be published in JMMM. The authors should prepare their manuscripts according to the guidelines of the journal. The template can be downloaded here. The length of the paper (together with tables, figures and references) must not exceed 4 pages.The EVISE® submission system is now ready for article submission. The submission website for JMMM. The authors should select the name of the special issue of JMMM when they upload their manuscripts: SI: MAGMA_EASTMAG-2016.
Authors with poster and oral talks are expected to submit the works to Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics, though some selected by the Programm Committee works will be also published in JMMM. Journal of the Siberian Federal University is a multidisciplinary mathematical and physical journal relating to fundamental research in modern mathematics and physics. The journal publishes four regular issues each year and represents an official edition of Siberian Federal University. Identical standards of acceptance are rigidly applied for all submitted manuscripts, which include at least two peer-reviewers approval and editorial board acceptance.
The authors should prepare their manuscripts for Journal of Siberian Federal University according to the following guidelines.
Guidelines for submitting a manuscript to Journal of the Siberian Federal University. Mathematics & Physics
Manuscripts submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or be under consideration elsewhere. Contributions to the journal generally comprise up to 4 printed pages, present concise information on timely topics. The papers are published in English. The author must supply the paper title, authors names, addresses of affiliation, abstract and key words. We appreciate any efforts that you make to ensure that the language use is corrected before submission.
All manuscripts must be prepared in TEX system (preferably, LATEX 2? system), document class {article}, usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, amsfonts, babel[russian]} etc. All manuscripts must be typed in a 12-point font and must be double-spaced throughout with margins of 2.5-3 cm, including the text, references, tables, table headings, etc. The Abstract should be written in the past tense. The content of manuscripts should be well-organized. Page one should contain the title of the contribution, name(s) of the author(s), address(es) of affiliation(s), abstract of up to 250 words length and up to six key words. Use full name (including first name) of the author(s) and complete address with ZIP or postal number.
Figures should preferably be submitted in vector graphics format, and either embedded as such in a TEX document or saved in EPS format.
The authors are recommended to use the journal’s TEX style file when preparing the final version of the paper. Please find it on the website
Please, pay attention that the author has to upload (User cabinet -> PROCEEDINGS the papers prepared in TeX system (preferably LaTeX 2e), i.e. to upload one compressed .zip electronic file of the paper prepared in the journal style that should comprise a LaTeX file for text and graphic files for figures and final PDF-file of the paper with figures. If there are any problems with it, please upload one compressed .zip electronic file of a MS Word version of the paper. The EASTMAG-2016 organizers will convert it to .tex file and send it to the author for revising the formulae that may slightly change. The length of the paper (together with tables, figures and references), prepared in accordance with the journal LaTeX style, must not exceed 4 pages. We will use electronic versions of the final PDF-files based on LaTeX source in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
To avoid any losses or confusions during on-line submission of papers and proceedings compilation, please, strictly follow the rules for file naming according to the following examples:
Principal author | LaTeX file | Figure 1 | Compressed file* |
Ivanov | ivanov.tex | ivanov01.eps | |
Johnson | johnson.tex | johnson01.eps | |
* Files must be compressed by "zip".
Please do not use any text-extension to file names (as Paper, EASTMAG, Figure, Krasnoyarsk, etc.) Only surname of the Principal Author + number for figures.
The editor is allowed to improve style and language of a paper without authors notification if changes do not concern the scientific content and meaning.
Papers which confirm to journal scope and style are sent to at least 2 referees. Manuscripts returned to authors with referee reports should be revised and sent back to the editorial as soon as possible. Final decisions on acceptance or rejection are made by the editor-in-chief.
The corresponding author of each paper accepted for publication should present to the editorials one hard copy of the act of expertise (for Russian authors only). The author will receive a Consentto-Publish/Copyright form to sign and return to the Publisher as a prerequisite for publication.
The abstract should be in double column (like this EXAMPLE), and ONE page long. Use custom page set-up (17x24 cm) and make top and bottom margins 25 mm wide. Left and right margins should be mirrored (left: 20 mm, right: 15 mm). Use 10 pt Times New Roman font (except for the title which should be in 12 pt bold and in lower case). Center the title, the authors’ names, the addresses, and keywords. Justify the body of the text both left and right.
Please include 2 – 5 keywords. Start each paragraph with a tab (0.75 cm). Figures (only in black and white) (Figure 1) and Tables (Table 1) can be also included in the double-column section or in the one-column section at the end of the abstract and should be mentioned in the text as shown here. Make sure that they have a caption, and that they are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals. The font used in captions should be 10 pt. Vertical lines in tables should be avoided.
References should be made in the style1-3, or Lendl et al.2. Examples of references are shown below. Leave a blank line above the list with references.
Authors are invited to submit a one page abstract related to one of the EASTMAG-2016 topics. As presenting author, you have to register for the conference in order for the abstract to be included in the program and book of abstracts. Only one abstract per presenting author is included in the registration fee. Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and the respective session organizers. Abstracts which do not fulfill the standards will be rejected. Please, avoid submitting abstracts containing only future results.
The organizers would like to avoid the existence of too many parallel sessions. Therefore, we will try to make the poster sessions in a way that will attract the active participation of most of the conference attendants.
The one-page abstract that is written according to the template should be submitted in MICROSOFT WORD 97-2003 (*.DOC) by using the online abstract submission system at (your User cabinet -> Abstract -> File with abstract). Please give your abstract a unique file name, such as “abstract_Lastname1”.