International Workshop on Quantum Nano-Spintronics – IWQNS-2016
(Satellite of EASTMAG-2016)

Krasnoyarsk, August 21-23, 2016 (3 days after EASTMAG-2016)

The workshop will be held at the sport campus “Polytechnik” of the Siberian Federal University at the Yenisei River 200 km south from Krasnoyarsk (sport.sfu-kras.ru).

Departure from Krasnoyarsk        Morning, August 21, 2016
Arrival to Krasnoyarsk                  Evening, August 23, 2016

M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMP UB RAS)
L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (IP SB RAS)
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Organizing Committee:

V.V. UstinovCo-Chairman, IMP UB RAS
N.V. VolkovCo-Chairman, IP SB RAS
S.O. DemokritovProgram Committee Co-Chairman, IMP UB RAS
V.V. Val’kovProgram Committee Co-Chairman, IP SB RAS
A.B. RinkevichLocal Committee Co-Chairman, IMP UB RAS
S.G. OvchinnikovLocal Committee Co-Chairman, IP SB RAS
G.N. PatrinLocal Committee, Siberian Federal University

Programme of the IWQNS-2016 consists of two Round Tables*.

Specific topics of Round Tables are:
RT1: High frequency spin dynamics and magnons in metallic microstructures.
RT2: Spin transport in magnetic metal/semiconductors nanostructures.

Moderator of RT1:     S.O. Demokritov
Moderator of RT2:     V.V. Val’kov

Participants of the IWQNS-2016 will be selected by Organizing Committee among Participants of EASTMAG-2016 who will present the talks on the Workshop subject. Information on the registration fee and living expenses will be announced later.


*Round table is a form of academic discussion. Participants agree on a specific topic to discuss and debate. Each person is given equal right to participate, as illustrated by the idea of a circular layout referred to in the term round table (Wikipedia).